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The Ramadhan Vibes in Overseas

Ramadhan being Muslim’s holy month, every country has their own uniqueness and culture. To know further about how Ramadhan in Overseas, Ikatan Keluarga Alumni (Alumni Association) and Global Engagement of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya hold virtual sharing session by the theme “Overseas Ramadhan Vibes” on Saturday, April 8th, 2023.

This sharing session talks about how Ramadhan vibes in Japan, Australia, Philippines and Malaysia. There are four speakers in this event, first Abdul Aziz Bandar Basag who is coordinator International Alumni in Philippines, Siti Fauziah Alumni Unusa in Japan, Muhammad Saiful Amirul bin Shahrul Nizam student at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan and Stephanie Aileen Black an Education Consultant.

Rector of Unusa, Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmad Jazidie, M.Eng directly opens this event by giving remarks and conveys his full support to Genus and Unusa Alumni Association to hold this event.

“Our university activity related to holy Ramadhan is compulsory activity since we are affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama, I give my full support to Genus and Unusa Alumni Association to hold this overseas Ramadhan vibes aimed to strengthening international connection” Jazidie said.

The meeting is joined by more than three hundred participants from Unusa Alumni and Unusa Students.

One of the speakers, Muhammad Saiful Amirul bin Shahrul Nizam said in Malaysia there are so many cultures and religions but they all can tolerate each other.

“In Malaysia we have many cultures and many religions. The population of Malaysia is about 32 million and 54% is Malay and Muslim. When Ramadhan comes, in Malaysia the other religion also learns how to fast, for example Indian, Chinese, Cristian, and others want to learn how our religion fast, so that we celebrate this month together. It is the uniqueness of Malaysia we can tolerate. They also cook for us as Muslim” said Saiful. (nrl/admin)